About me

About me

Hi there! I am Osman, a passionate software engineer in Bonn, father of two, husband, brother, and enthusiast of software development, blockchain, business innovation, and football.

Professional Background

I’m a software engineer with extensive experience in translating business requirements and objectives into fully-realized solutions. I specialize in building web applications, services, and APIs with robust test coverage, carefully considered architectures, and empathy for the end-user.

Domain-Driven Design and Agile Principles

As a proud practitioner of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) methodologies, I focus on creating bridges between business and tech specialists. I believe that the right approach to technical topics can open communication doors for business stakeholders, including C-level executives, leading to perfect solutions for their problems.


Following Agile principles, promoting independent teams, and practicing Continuous Delivery are integral to my work. Even if these practices can’t be implemented from the start, they should be the direction to follow for building successful software products.

Current Role

Currently, I’m living in Bonn, Germany, and working as a senior software engineer for Studitemps. At Studitemps, we focus on creating systems for student employment temping.

Applying DDD and SCS at Studitemps

In Studitemps, we apply DDD design principles to distributed Self-contained Systems (SCS). This approach ensures that business and software speak the same language and helps avoid the pitfalls of large, unmaintainable monoliths.


Technical Expertise

Lately, I have been enjoying working with Elixir, Ruby, and JavaScript (JS). However, I am always open to learning new technologies that make sense for the project or team and match my interests.

I can fill any role required by the project, whether as a team member, leader, or mentor. I am always eager to expand my knowledge and share it with others.

For more about my professional journey and insights into my work, connect with me on LinkedIn.